Speaker Boehner Applauds New Administrator of Opportunity Scholarship Program


Date: Aug. 24, 2015
Location: Washington, DC

House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) today applauded the news that Serving Our Children has been selected to serve as the new administrator of the DC Opportunity Scholarship Program (DC OSP):

"Serving Our Children is the right organization to improve oversight and accountability in the Opportunity Scholarship Program, and ensure more students have access to the invaluable resources it provides. This program is the only initiative in America where the federal government allows parents to choose the school that best fits their child's needs. It has proven overwhelmingly popular among parents, and successful in increasing graduation rates amongst students. I am disappointed that President Obama phased out funding for DC OSP in his budget, and I urge Congress to continue supporting the program to ensure more students have access to a high-quality education -- the great equalizer in America - regardless of their zip code."
